Mikropreparātu komplekts EUROMEX, Nr.4
Cena bez PVN

Komplektā ietilpst 25 paraugi.

HISTOLOGY (Histoloģija) 

SH.1060 Tendon l.s. (Dense connetive tissue), dog
SH.1075 Skin section with sweat gland, human
SH.1330 Testis rabbit, c.s
SH.1340 Ovary rabbit with developped eggs
SH.1360 Sperm, human, smear
SH.1490 Retina, rabbit, sec.

ZOOLOGY (Zooloģija) 

SZ.1522 Paramecium conjugation w.m.
SZ.1524 Paramecium in fission, w.m.
SZ.1540 Trachelomonas, a free swimming type euglena
SZ.1585 Hydra with endoderm + ectoderm, c.s.
SZ.1710 Apis mellifica - honey bee compound eye, w.m.
SZ.1720 Culex pipiens - house mosquito, larva w.m.
SZ.1724 Giant chromosomes of salivary gland,w.m
SZ.1810 Mya arenaria, clam gill, c.s.
SZ.1860 Lancelet, Section through gonads and gills, c.s.

BOTANY (Botānika)

SB.2015 Ranunculus, buttercup, root c.s.
SB.2076 Tilia, lime tree, 1, 2 & 3 year stem, c.s. on one slide
SB.2080 Pinus - pine tree, stem l.s.
SB.2140 Triticum, wheat, leaf, c.s.
SB.2150 Monocot/dicot leaves,zea mays/ligustrum lucidum, c.s.
SB.2230 Pinus, pine tree, male (cone) globose fruit l.s.
SB.2232 Pinus, pine tree, female (cone) globose fruit l.s.
SB.2315 Fern, prothallium w. young sporophyte w.m.
SB.2320 Cyrtomium, fern, leaf with sporangia
SB.2384 Volvox sp. w.m.